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NIADA 2021 Virtual Conference

Dear Artists and Friends,
Our virtual conference was a great success!! We have had over 750 attendees to date to the Exhibit and continue to have requests to enter every day. So, the exposure of NIADA to the outside world has been remarkable. There were 24 total doll sales during the conference, ranging from $60 to $4200, so very much like an in-person Exhibition and Sale. Additionally, artists are still making sales from the Exhibition room.

Our ‘Masking the Future’ project was also a success, with 27 masks donated by NIADA artists bringing in over $7200. The companion book was mailed out the week after the conference to US residents and week later for those outside the US.

Programs and demos were beautifully executed, and ‘Artist Studio Tours’ were a hit. We also gave several door prizes throughout the event. We have received wonderful feedback and thanks for presenting online. Several who have wanted to come to a conference but couldn’t afford to, expressed their excitement at finally being able to attend.

At the August Board meeting, discussion was made on the condition of the country regarding travel in the next 12 months. It was determined that it would be in our best interest to again present a virtual conference in 2021. We are planning to go to Seattle in 2022 and the hotel has agreed to lock in all room prices and fees that were offered this year. Thank you, Stephanie and Andy Reese, for your work on this.

The 2020 Virtual Conference Team all agreed to take it on again for 2021. The learning curve has straightened a bit and we have a year to create an even better virtual experience.

The success of our virtual conferences depends entirely on the participation of each of the artists. THANK YOU to each of you who contributed this year! We are looking forward to working with each of you to make the 2021 NIADA Virtual Conference an even better experience!

Cindee Moyer, NIADA President

NIADA 2021 Virtual Conference

August 19-22. 2021, with early entry on Wednesday August 18th
Artists submission deadlines

TO SIGNUP CONTACT:  -or-  Christine Shively-Benjamin

“Favorite” Doll and/or “Most Challenging” Doll

Promo: Gallery piece – will be used as promotion on Facebook, email and NIADA website.
We plan to use these as promotional pieces prior to the conference. We would like you to submit a photo of either your “Favorite Doll” or the “Most Challenging Doll” that you created with a brief description (100 words) as to why. Artists can submit to either or both topics with a brief description for each.

(1) Image (per topic): Full view
Hi-resolution – Vertical (portrait) preferred, Horizontal accepted
Image size: 3000px at the longest length – 1920 x 1080 minimum


IMPORTANT: Label your files!!! You MUST Add your name to the files submitted!
Images include: Your name, Title of piece eg. ArtistName-TitleofArtwork.jpg
Word .docx (or .rtf): Challenge-Fav-ArtistName-TitleofArtwork.docx
Description (100 words): include the Topic –My Favorite Doll  and/or –My Most Challenging

UPLOAD your FAV+CHALLENGING files to folder:
If you know how to create your own folder please do so and add your files.
Google Drive folder /1Dq65t71cIGuJ4_Lf2CeezDBmSBJBn8tA?usp=sharing

“Alter Ego” Silent Auction images – Patron+Associates Collections

2021 DEADLINE – MARCH 31st:
“Alter Ego” Silent Auction

(participants will receive a printed catalogue)

Open to artists creativity and interpretation
The “Alter Ego” concept is not necessarily YOUR personal Alter Ego but the artists interpretation of a hidden self.

Artwork Suggestions: wall sculpture, shadow box, textile, wearable art (jewelry), figure, toy, etc.

ALTER EGO – definition
An alter ego means an alternative self, which is believed to be distinct from a person’s normal or true original personality that is not usually seen by other people (a hidden superpower i.e. Superman and Clark Kent). Finding one’s alter ego will require finding one’s other self, one with a different personality. The altered states of the ego may themselves be referred to as alterations.
How to Create An Alter Ego

The SILENT AUCTION will be held on NIADA’s new auction website:
The Auction with be using Proxy Bidding (similar to eBay) where bidders enter a secret maximum bid for the item. Artists will hold on to their ‘Alter Ego’ artwork until the auction is over and the piece has been won, then they will ship to the winning bidder.
Questions:  Kate Church

– Your piece should fit into a shipping box no larger than 12″x10″x8” and weigh no more than 4lbs.
– You will be responsible for shipping your piece within three business days to the winning bidder once it is sold at Auction. NIADA pays for shipping.

Artists can submit up to (3) images:  Full size , 3/4 and side view – of their “Alter Ego” piece for the silent auction.
Image size:
3000px minimum at the longest length, 300dpi (reproduction print quality)
IMPORTANT! Label your files!!!
Please include Your Name, Title of piece eg. ArtistName-TitleofArtwork.jpg


    USE BIO: Check=YESUse my bio and image from the NIADA website
    NOTE: Your bio page is done if you participated in a previous auction.

    1. Title of piece:

    2. Brief description of the work and the inspirational idea for the piece:

    3. Dimensions: (in inches)

    4. Brief list of materials:

    5. Shipping from: Location you are shipping this item from?

    6. Shipping to: Choose one WorldwideNo International
    7. Value: (USD - for reference only, will not be Public)

    8. Starting bid: All bids start at $100.00 USD
    9. Upload: Have you uploaded your images to AUC2024-Dragons folder? Yes, I did!Not yet, I will ASAP and let you know!

    UPLOAD your ALTER EGO files to folder:
    If you know how to create your own folder please do so and add your files.
    Google Drive folder /1kc2TAOkOWMJBlmwqpTnqEzM4UzMB9TMD?usp=sharing

    “Patrons+Associates Collections” (10 minute video)

    Share your doll collection including NIADA Artists up to 10 minutes (video) or If preferred we will create a 2 minute slideshow video for you.

    UPLOAD your PATRONS+ASSOC Collections video to folder:
    Google Drive folder /1yOV9nS1LwFE_dg70RxoraplCLF0Uhdhq?usp=sharing

    VIDEO SPECS: Shoot in Landscape (horizontal) format
    – 1920×1080 saved as mp4 or .m4v
    – Add the Title – Your Name – Location to the first screen
    – upload to NIADA Conference Google Drive using the links above.

    (2 video minute slideshow)

    Need help? We will be happy to put together a 2 minute Video slideshow for you.

    Here are the image guidelines:
    – Share your doll collection including NIADA Artists.
    – Landscape (horizontal) preferred but Portrait is accepted
    – Send ‘Original’ or ‘Normal’ photos (about 40) about 1920×1080 or higher depending on camera
    – Save images in order that you want the video to play — eg. 01-myname.jpg , 02-myname.jpg
    – We will add your info to the first and last image — your name, location
    – We will add background music to your video.

    Send photos using media WeTransfer ( or shared dropbox link by March 31st to:  NIADA Conference

    “Patrons+Associates Interview – Question+ Answer”

    Though the initial request was to video your response to 1 question, I’d like to invite you to respond to up to 3 questions if desired.
    Please do the following:
    – Select 1 to 3 questions from the list provided.
    – Send the number of the question(s) you selected back to Gracie Coleman at:
    – If you select more than one question, we will need a separate video for each question answered.

    – Shoot in Vertical (portrait) format
    – 1920×1080 saved as mp4 or .m4v
    –  Please start your video with an introduction that includes your name, location (city/state and country if not US), your NIADA membership title (Artist), and how long you have been a member. The introduction may be by audio or a video title.
    – State the Question you are answering (pause) Answer in 1 minute
    The time used to state the question is not counted as part of the 1-minute video duration, so you will have the full minute for your response.
    – Label your video Interview-YourName
    – upload to NIADA Conference Google Drive using the link below.

    UPLOAD your PATRONS+ASSOC Collections video to folder:
    Google Drive folder /1yOV9nS1LwFE_dg70RxoraplCLF0Uhdhq?usp=sharing

    Videos (2 min): “Favorite Tools” or “Techniques”  “Artists in a Different Light” plus “Artists Interviews”

    2021 DEADLINE – APRIL 30th:
    “Favorite Tools” or “Techniques” (2 min video)

    We would like to give each of you an opportunity to share a favorite tool or technique in a short video. These would be played throughout the conference and would be promotional to your own doll making career. You can choose one, do both or combine into one video!

    UPLOAD your FAV TOOLS and/or TECHS video(s) to folder: Google Drive folder /1PDZwpBJLjpCtJO8QHF4-LC43LNotjC1z?usp=sharing

    “Artists in a Different Light” (2 min video) (free reg)

    Studio Tours were a hit. We would like to expand on that and present another side of the artist. This could be a hobby or collection, inspiration, family, etc. This is an opportunity to share another side of you in a short video.

    VIDEO SPECS: Shoot in Landscape (horizontal) format
    – 1920×1080 saved as mp4 or .m4v
    – Add the Title – Your Name – Location to the first screen
    – upload to NIADA Conference Google Drive using the link below.

    UPLOAD your ARTISTS LIGHT video to folder:
    Google Drive folder /1oEeTxE0rrrjL0z5_MFocLTDuGdfnPi8l?usp=sharing

    Need help? We will be happy to put together a 2 minute Video slideshow for you.
    Here are the image guidelines:
    – Landscape (horizontal) preferred but Portrait is accepted
    – Have a mixture of studio, artwork, inspirations etc. anything goes.
    – Send ‘Original’ or ‘Normal’ photos (about 40) about 1920×1080 or higher depending on camera
    – Save images in order that you want the video to play — eg. 01-myname.jpg , 02-myname.jpg
    – We will add your title/contact info to the first and last image — your name, location and website
    – We will add background music to your video.

    Send files using media WeTransfer or shared dropbox link by April 30th to: NIADA Conference

    Artists Interview:
    “3 questions – 1 minute Answers” (video)

    – Select 3 questions from the list provided.
    – State the question you are answering. 
    – Repeat question (pause) Answer in 1 minute
    The time used to state the question is not counted as part of the 1-minute video duration, so you will have the full minute for your response.
    – If you select more than one question, we will need a separate video for each question answered.

    VIDEO SPECS: Shoot in Vertical (portrait) format
    – 1920×1080 (minimum) saved as mp4 or .m4v
    –  Please start your video with an introduction that includes your name, location (city/state and country if not US), your NIADA membership title (Artist), and how long you have been a member.
    – The introduction may be by audio or a video title.
    –  Upload to NIADA Conference Google Drive using the link below.

    UPLOAD your ARTISTS INTERVIEW video to folder:
    Google Drive folder /1n_7pAXJPmjwDof4ONXewJPc6fzM1iRku?usp=sharing

    Videos (30-45 min): Artists participating in “Programs” or “Demos”

    2021 DEADLINE – JUNE 30TH:
    Programs (20-45 minute videos)

    The programs that were presented last year were amazing. If you have a program you would be willing to share this year, please contact Stephanie Blythe with your proposal.

    VIDEO SPECS:  Shoot in Landscape (horizontal) format
    – 1920×1080 saved as mp4 or .m4v
    – Add the Title – Your Name – Location to the first screen
    – upload to NIADA Conference Google Drive using the link below.

    UPLOAD your VID-PROGRAMS to folder:
    Google Drive folder /1DQJG1xD9RaE55BMVKZG0fVxGIfWcDiaZ?usp=sharing
    Create a folder for your Program on you computer and upload to the folder to Conference Google Drive or create a folder on the drive (if you know how)

    Demos (20-45 minute videos)

    A huge thank you to those who provided demos last year. Not only were they beautifully made, they were informative and enjoyable. And we would love to have more! We would also like to encourage our non-English speaking members to present demos in their first language. We will translate and add subtitles for our English-speaking viewers.

    VIDEO SPECS:  Shoot in Landscape (horizontal) format
    – 1920×1080 saved as mp4 or .m4v
    – Add the Title – Your Name – Location to the first screen
    – upload to NIADA Conference Google Drive using the link below.

    UPLOAD your VID-DEMOS to folder: Google Drive folder /1Jw8WSyay4DdRBxIFiInuxkR9HhiCPNA6?usp=sharing
    Create a folder for your Program on your computer and upload to the folder to Conference Google Drive or create a folder on the drive (if you know how)

    NIADA Artists Gallery

    2021 DEADLINE – JULY 31st:
    NIADA Art Gallery

    ARTISTS can access the Gallery JUNE 1st to setup their Profile.

    During planning for our 2021 Virtual Conference, Stephanie found an online art gallery that would be a great platform to host our Exhibition and Sale. It is called Artwork Archive. Each artist could load up as many pieces as they choose – either for gallery exhibition only or for the sale. You could also offer your smaller, less expensive pieces for sale. To pay for the site, we are asking artists who wish to participate to pay $25 annually to be represented in our art gallery (see button in DUES area above).

    We would be part of a large online artist gallery community, finally introducing our work into the art world. If someone visits the Artwork Archive site, we will come up as the NIADA Gallery and expand our audience to art collectors. We plan to promote a Winter Exhibition as well and your work will still be on there and you can continually add to your portfolio throughout the year.

    Exhibiting artists will be provided both a private link to their Artist Submission page as well as a password to submit work and create their contact information.

    Each artist can upload as many pieces as they choose into 3 Collections:
    — For Exhibit only (NFS)  — Artwork for Sale  — Items $150.00 and under

    Hosted on Artwork Archive online art gallery website

    To view work that Chris has uploaded temporarily, click the side menu on the site:
    — COLLECTIONS to see how it is broken down into groups
    — ARTISTS lists the artwork in each Artist’s Gallery
    — PORTFOLIO combines all the submitted works on one page
    It is a beautiful and professional site and will show your work to the best advantage and on an exciting new art platform.
    To pay the $25.00, just go to the Online Gallery Exhibition button at the top of this page, The fee needs to be paid by June 1st and you will be able to create your profile start uploading your photos and information at that time.

    Instructional video “How to submit artwork to the NIADA Gallery” and submission form are on this page : Gallery Submission

    Please watch the video before submitting your artwork!
    We are excited about all of the new opportunities we have at our fingertips!

    NIADA Market

    At this time The MARKET is no longer available.


    NOTE: When creating your video be sure to check if there is a Copyright notice of use. YouTube will block the video if there is a copyright violation
    – If you want to add (free) music go to look for music longer than the length of your video 2:30 – 3:00 minute duration (YouTube lists this under ‘genre’), or we will choose the music for you.
    EFFECTS: Videos effects are a great addition but can be too much of a ‘good thing’ if overused. The exception is the Cross Dissolve transition which can be used for every image to smoothly fade to from one image to the next. Aside from the Cross Dissolve not every image should have a transition: the Slide-Push-Wipe or even the popular Ken Burns motion effects should be used sparingly, and do not use every kind of transition in the effects library, less is more effective and makes your video interesting to the viewer.

    NIADA Logo

    Click here to download the NIADA logo (Google account is not required). There are several variations including horizontal and stacked and reverse versions. The file formats are .jpeg and .png, there is also an illustrator .ai file available.

    There is a DOWNLOAD ALL link on the top right menu or hover over the Logo File and click on the DOWNLOAD icon.

    NIADA Groups, contact emails and Chatlines

    NIADA Artists Chat

    NIADA Board

    NIADA Web Working group