An overview of the work of NIADA Artist members who are either deceased or no longer active

Laura Alleman
How to Lose Weight Kidskin over plastic wood

Martha Armstrong-Hand
(Elected 1977): Marnie. Porcelain

Mirren Barrie
Elizabeth I 1971 Cloth

Elizabeth Barter
Prudence 1984 Composition wax over Polymer, Cloth body/limbs

Charles Batte
Miss Lucy Leyendecker Goes Shopping 2005 Polymer

Roberta Bell
Mary Bethune 1970

Goodie Bennett
Lovely Little Girl Porcelain

Halle Blakely
Elizabeth I

Carole Bowling
Little Black Girl 1995 Resin. 1/30

Elizabeth Brandon
Melody Porcelain

Frances Bringloe
Tlingit Clan Leader Carved Wood

Patricia Ryan-Brooks
Cora Mae Sanborn 1912 Polymer clay

Muriel Bruyere
Little Girl Biscuit, fired clay

Helen Bullard
"Helen at Six" A self portrait of Helen when she was a child 1961

Ronnie Burkett
(Elected 1998): Schnitzel. Wood and Paperclay

Astry Campbell
Becky & Ricky 1967-68 Porcelain, felt legs and body

Beverly Cerepak
Kim & Lynn 1973 Porcelain

Arlyn Coad
Toymaker 1986 Wax

Dewees Cochran
Jennifer 1948 Composition head, Latex body

Judith Condon
Janice 1976

Pamela Cowart-Rickman

Betty Curtis
Woman Cast tissue paper, fabric over wood armature

Jane Davies
(Elected 1991) The Cat and the Fiddle. Made in 2007. Porcelain, maple wood and Paperclay.

Lenore Davis
Bird in Flight 1992 Linen, textile paint

Marianne De Nunez
ME 1981 Porcelain, jointed body

Fern Deutsch
First Place Prize Winner

Edna Shaw Dohl
Look at me now, punk, just a Little 1984 Porcelain, cloth body

Guy & Virginia Elliot
Navajo First Day of School 1973 Polymer clay face, wire wood, Cloth body

Marta Finch-Kozlosky
(Elected 1981): Etherea. Porcelain

Margaret Finch
(Elected 1976): The Blue Boy. 1976. Direct carved wood

Gwen Flather
(Elected 1963): Robert Frost. Cloth

Dan Fletcher
(Elected 1999): Orin. Made in 1996. 14" H. Washi Paper, resin

Gertrude Florian
(1963-Charter member, co-founder): Mercer Girl. Ceramic

Herta Forster
(Elected 1970): Hansel & Gretel. 1972. Felt

Susan Fosnot
Susan Fosnot: Godelieva. 11" high, 2015

Suzanne Gibson
(Elected 1967): Kalico Kids - Lillian 1986. Vinyl, cloth body

June Lunsford Goodnow
(Elected 1976): Nez Perce Woman. 1999. Polymer clay, leather, seed beads

Christine Gorman
(Elected 1968): Blue Boy Carved plastic wood.

Scott Gray
(Elected 1994): Brunnhilda, Mechanical figure. 1998. Paperclay, appliances and cutlery, umbrella parts

Patti Hale
(Elected 1978): Peppermint Patti. Carved wood

Frank & Elizabeth Haines
(Elected 1971): Haines Bride - Lisette Clanet, New Orleans 1728. Wood Composition

Rene Harrison
(Elected 1969): Little Women – Amy, Beth, Jo, Meg. 1972. Porcelain

Eleanor Hartman
(Elected 1979): Chippewa Mother and Child. Wax over porcelain, leather and cloth

Ella Hass
(Elected 1999): Chico. 1999. Fabric over keramin

Uwe Haukenfrers & Juergen Peper
(Elected 1997): Bajazzo Modesto. 2000. Wood, Paperclay, Washi Paper, Gold

Magge Head Kane
(1963-Charter member, co-founder): Mary (from Kane’s Rebels) 1963. Porcelain

Dorothy Heizer
(1963-Charter member): King Henry VIII. c.1948. 11" H. Cloth

Margaret Hoag
(Elected 1973): Young Woman. 1972. Carved wood

Dorothy Hoskins
(Elected 1990): Messenger. 2001. 22"H. Porcelain

Sherry Housley
(Elected 1997): Gypsy Noble. 1997, Super Sculpey

Maggie Iacono
(Elected 1993): Virginia. 2008. Felt

Sharon Johnson
(Elected 1967): Traipsin Woman. c.1965. 12.5" H. Porcelain

Tine Kamerbeek
(Elected 2005): Fairie Princess. Made in 2005. 17" H. Japanese Paperclay

Adnan Karabay
(Elected 1997): Aurora. 1997. Promat Clay

Helen Kish
(Elected 1981): Paper Necklace. 2003. 17" H, Porcelain, cloth body

Karen Kraus
(Elected 1975): Cary Chatham. 1990. Porcelain

Hennie Koffrie
(Elected 1997): Untitled. Paper clay, mixed media

Gail Lackey
(Elected 1996): Master Lambe 9" H and Mistress Shephard 12 1/2" H. Made in 2008. Polymer Clay

Michael Langton
(Elected 1984): Calhoun. 1984. Wood

Grace Lathrop
(Elected 1963): Jenny Lind. 1968. Porcelain head & limbs, Cloth body

Lisa Lichtenfels
(Elected 1985): Chrissie on Pointe 29"H Soft Sculpture, 2000

Axel Roman Lukas
(Elected 1997): Untitled Boy. 1999. Porcelain and wood

Gladys MacDowell
(Elected 1963): Susie. 1974. Bisque head and soft body

Robert McKinley
(Elected 1985): Unknown. Polyform

Norma Mellen
(Elected 1979): Alice and the White Queen. Cloth

Anne Mitrani
(Elected 1997): Untitled. 1997. Polymer clay, Fimo, wax

Luella Mossom
(Elected 2016): Artemis (Diana). 2017, Paper and Paperclay

Claire Mueller
(Elected 1969): Cry Baby 1970. Bisque head, arms & legs. Soft body

Kyoko Nakanishi
(Elected 1998): Tale of Genji. Made in 1998. 24" H. Washi paper

Carolyn Corl Nelson
(Elected 1978): Angela. 1977, Wood composition

Carol Nordell
(Elected 1974): Harry Cranford & Nell. Polyform

Susanna Oroyan
(Elected 1982): Dollmaker: Where Do You Get the Heads? Paperclay over wire armature

Ada Odenreider
(Elected 1969): Man from Mercer Group. Porcelain

Irma Park
(Elected 1969): Little Katie. 1972. Wax over composition

Ann Parker
(Elected 1977): Anne Boleyn. 1976. Resin

Wee Paulson
(Elected 1968): McGuffey Reader. Felt

Natasha Pobedina
(Elected 2001): My Darling and Me, 2006. La Doll

Dustin Poché
Dustin Poché: The Queen. Air drying clay, mixed media, paperclay

Bernard Ravca
(Elected 1968): Franklin Roosevelt. 21.5" H. Cloth. 1940

Janice Riggs
(Elected 1979): Audrey Hepburn Ascot Scene. 1982. Porcelain

Patricia Robinson
(Elected 1967): Theresa Tonti - First Girl Born in Detroit. Porcelain, cloth body

Cecilia Rothman
(Elected 1976): John Muir. 14" H. Porcelain with cloth body

Lynne + Michael Roche
(Elected 1997): Marigold Play. 2008. Porcelain head/hands. Carved lime-wood body,

Jacques + France Rommel
(Elected 1974): Victorian style dress. Cloth

Forest Rogers
(Elected 2003): Sea Maid's Music.2003 Japanese air-dry clay

Mary Russo
(Elected 1968): The Lace Maker. 8.5" H. Mixed media

Madeline Saucier
(Elected 1968): Canadian Snow Baby. Felt

Tamara Steinheil
(Elected 1963): Early Pair, Man and Woman. Papier mache

Joyce Stafford
(Elected 1969): Rosalind. 1987. Porcelain with Cloth body

George S. Stuart
(Elected 1992): King Louis XIV. 1969. Mixed media

Lewis Sorenson
(1963-Charter Member): Roy Rogers. 1949. Wax over Composition

Rose Sullo
(Elected 1970): Bernie Kaufmann. 1971. Air Dry Clay

Elizabeth Sweet
(Elected 1968): Charles Edward.1972. Porcelain

Elizabeth Szoke
(Elected 1974): Andes Mother and Child. 1974. Papier mache, wood, leather

EJ Taylor
EJ Taylor (Elected 1993): Belle of the Masque. Paperclay

Carla Thompson
(Elected 1989): Shella. Cloth

Martha Thompson
(1963-Charter Member): Princess Caroline. 9" H. Porcelain, cloth body

Fred Thompson
(Elected 1970): Saddlemaker Shorty. Made in 1973. 13-3/4” H. Jellutong Wood, Ball jointed

Ellery Thorpe
(1973-Charter member) Harry. 15" high. Porcelain head & limbs, cloth body. 1972

Lilian Toledo-Elzer
(Elected 1993): Musical Motion. Air dry clay

Ellen Turner
(Elected 1982) Mary, Joseph & Baby. Made in 1990. Cloth

Eunice Tuttle
(Elected 1968): Kevin. Made in 1965. 4" H. Porcelain

Herbert Vanek
(Elected 1972): Portrait of Dewees Cochran. Made in 1971. 15" H. Porcelain

Charlene Westling
(Elected 1991): Little Black Girl. Made in 1991. 15.5" H. Fabric over composition, cloth body.

Lita Wilson
(Elected 1965) Cherie. 15-1/2” H. Ceramic limbs, Cloth body

Nancy Wiley
(Elected 1997): Grant Wood. 20" H. Paperclay and oil painted fabric

R. John Wright
(Elected 1979): Made in 1983. 17" H. Molded Felt, jointed body. LE50

Fawn Zeller
(1963-Charter member, co-founder): P.T. Barnum, Tom Thumb. 11-1/2” and 5” H. Porcelain

Charlotte Zeepvat
(Elected 1987) Kaiser Wilhelm I & Child Made in 1987. Air hardening clay on armature