By requiring the highest artistic standards, NIADA encourages gifted artists who create entirely original Art Dolls to continue perfecting their work.
NIADA Artist Membership is awarded through a Three-Part Application Process after having a Critique. The intention of the members of the NIADA Standards Committee is to elect new artists whose work is “as good or better” than their own.
Whether a one-of-a-kind piece or part of an edition, the ideal work reflects excellence. All work must be consistently created from good ideas, be expertly executed without technical faults and show an individual identity of design. NIADA looks for engaging, captivating work that inspires a meaningful response.
Artists pay annual dues of $65. All Artists’ responsibilities can be found in the Artists’ handbook.
Benefits of NIADA Artist Membership include:
- use of the “NIADA Artist” title in the promotion of their own work and related career activities, such as teaching and publishing
- the opportunity to meet and network with artists, collectors, writers and publishers in the doll field
- the opportunity to show and sell their work (with no commissions charged) at their own sales table at the NIADA Artists Show and Sale at the annual Conference
- opportunity to show and sell their work on NIADA’s virtual gallery for a small venue fee share
- participation without further jurying in all special NIADA exhibitions or NIADA-sponsored shows
- the opportunity to teach classes, for compensation, at the NIADA Dollmaking School held during the annual conference, and to create and sell online courses for the NIADA Academy
- representation and portfolio page on the NIADA website
- promotion of their events, classes, workshops and merchandise on the NIADA website
- inclusion of images of their work in the NIADA Archives, which are sourced for various books, publications, programs, posters, ads and other NIADA promotions and events
- promotion via NIADA on Facebook, Instagram and the NIADA blog
- voting rights in all NIADA business, election of new Artist Members, and officer elections
- member discounts on conference fees and merchandise sold by NIADA
How to apply for Artist Membership
Conference Attendance + Critique
Please attend a NIADA Conference and take part in a Critique by NIADA Artist Members before applying.
Attending a Conference is important so that applicants can get to know what and who NIADA is before committing to this organization. The NIADA Artists will also have a chance to get to know the applicant and their work.
Live Critiques are an important first step, since it is difficult to judge 3-dimensional, finely detailed artwork with only photos.
Image Review
Applicants need to inform the Standards Chair after their Critique if they want to start the application process. The Standards Chair will send the application form to the applicant.
Anyone who is unable to submit a digital application may contact the Standards Chair to request options:
The applicant may submit the application for membership, along with specified images of their work. Dolls submitted should include full bodies.
Deadline for sending in the application: Four weeks after the end of the annual NIADA Conference.
Membership application fee: $65.00
Review of Recent Work
Applicants who pass PART 1 will be invited to submit a collection of their recent work in sharp, clear still photos with a neutral background accompanied by written information. Dolls submitted should include full bodies.
This submission will be viewed by all NIADA Artist Members for evaluation. Those receiving a passing score will be notified late February.
Part 2 Submission Deadline:
January 15, 2025
Final Vote
Applicants who receive passing scores on PART 1 and PART 2 will be asked to bring their work to the next NIADA Conference for the Final Vote.
The work will be exhibited for all Artist Members present to vote on. Once elected as a NIADA Artist Member, an applicant will have full Artist status with all benefits.
Many artists find the Critique helpful and enjoyable, as NIADA Artists share their knowledge and expertise and provide a further understanding of NIADA standards and expectations. If you plan to apply for NIADA Artist Membership, please state that intent when signing up for a Critique.
2025 Critique fee: $45.00
(If applicants are unable to attend the Conference, they may apply for a waiver or request an online Critique by contacting the Standards Chair

For further information contact
Standards Committee Chair:
Marlaine Verhelst
Burg.Suysstraat 61
5037 MC, Tilburg, Netherlands
Standards Assistant:
Nadia Yukhanova
Seattle, WA USA
Excellence of Artistry
- Every applicant should hold the highest personal standards for his or her work.
- The work must be well designed, made and finished.
- The work must show excellent control of the medium.
- Sculpting should be flawless, with accurate proportions or, if exaggerated, should harmoniously fit the concept of the piece.
- Hair should be of a material appropriate to the piece and flawlessly applied.
- Costuming should be created out of a good idea or concept and be expertly made, using materials appropriate to the figure’s scale or its intended effect.
Identity of Design
Every applicant should have a style of working that is unique, consistent and recognizable. Having a true signature style is an essential element of NIADA’s standards.
NIADA looks for engaging, captivating work that inspires a meaningful response.
Application Review
The NIADA Standards Committee consists of ten voting NIADA Artists, the Standards Committee Chair and the Standards Assistant.
The ten Standards Committee members review PART 1 applications digitally and award points to each applicant anonymously.
Details of the scoring and reasons for acceptance or rejection of applicants are solely the confidential business of the Standards Committee. Upon request, the Standards Chair will send an applicant the Committee’s anonymous comments.
Applicants who receive a passing score are invited to submit digital images for PART 2 by January 15, 2025.
These submissions are circulated among all Artist Members, who again award points. Applicants who receive 3/4 or more of the possible total of points for their work are invited to exhibit three dolls at the following NIADA Conference for PART 3, a final vote by all the NIADA Artists in attendance.
Artist Membership Frequently Asked Questions
Q. I cannot attend the Annual Conference during Part 1 of my application process, what can I do?
It is mandatory that artists wishing to apply for NIADA Artist Membership attend at least one NIADA Annual Conference as a Visiting Artist and participate in an Critique immediately prior to or in the year of the initiation of their application process.
We realize that this might seem impossible for some applicants because of financial considerations and/or travel distances, but ask applicants to consider the following.
- At the conferences there are many opportunities to show work to NIADA Artists and Patrons, including critiques, special exhibitions, challenges and programs open to Visiting Artists. It is more likely that members will appreciate the quality of new work if they are able to see it “in person.”
- Some types of flaws in a work may not be apparent until the work is examined “in person,” so there is a greater possibility of being rejected in the final voting stage if that is the first time the work is actually seen by voting members.
If it is impossible for you to attend the Annual Conference, please contact the Standards Chair
Q. When will I find out if I passed Part 1?
A. Applicants will be notified of the results of the image review within two months after the end of the NIADA Conference. An artist who receives a passing score on their initial images will be invited to continue with Part 2 of the application.
Q. I passed Part 1 and 2, but I couldn’t attend Conference for Part 3.
A. If an applicant passes Part 1 and Part 2, but is unable to attend the Conference that year, he or she may request a one-year extension for the final vote from the Standards Chair without having to re-apply. If the applicant is unable to attend the Conference the following year, he or she must begin the application process again.
Q. How should I label my doll images?
A. For the application, label your images files with your last name, first name and corresponding image number, for example: SmithJane_001.jpg, and SmithJane_001detail.jpg for the detail shot. Please do not embed your name, copyright watermark or include text descriptions on your digital images
Q. What is the best resolution for my images?
A. Images should be submitted as hi-resolution .jpg images (5MB maximum), shot on a neutral background, minimum 3200px at the longest length, 200dpi. Applications are scored on the merits of the work pictured, and if the photographs are not clear or of professional quality, the work may not be seen to its full advantage, which could result in a lower score.
Q. Who will review my submission?
A. The initial image submissions are reviewed one month after the NIADA Conference by the Standards Committee, which consists of ten voting NIADA Artist Members as well as the Standards Chair and the Standards Assistant. Portfolios submitted for Part 2 are reviewed by all NIADA Artist Members. A rejection should not be interpreted as a final judgment of your work. Many NIADA Artists apply multiple times before being accepted as Artist Members.
Q. What is a Critique?
A. If you are in the process of applying for NIADA Artist membership you must participate in a Critique as a component of your application process. This Critique is an opportunity to discuss what is required to become an Artist Member and will be conducted by three NIADA Artists at the annual NIADA conference. The fee for the Critique is $45
Q. How do I send my Part 1 application and images?
A. The NIADA Standards Chair will send you an online application form, which you should submit electronically. If you prefer to email your submission, contact the Standards Chair for instructions.
Q. What does my Part 1 application need to include?
A. The Part 1 Application needs to include your contact information, four (4) full view images of different full-body dolls, and one (1) detail image of one doll. These images will be accompanied by a short description of the doll design, materials used, size and date created.
Q. Where can I see examples of NIADA Artists work?
A. The work of NIADA Artist Members can be seen by visiting the NIADA Artist Portfolio page, by looking at the historical survey of NIADA work in the historical gallery, or in the book, NIADA Art Dolls: Rich Traditions, New Ideas.
Q. We work as a team, do both have to apply separately?
A. A team is defined as two artists whose contributions are integral to the creation of the finished piece. A team submits one application under both names and, if accepted, each are considered Artist members but pay the $50 annual dues as one member.
Q. Can I participate in the Artists events if I am voted in as a NIADA Artist member at the Conference?
A. The Artists’ meeting is held at the beginning of each annual Conference. At the beginning of the Artists’ meeting, the attending NIADA Artists view the applicants’ work on display and submit the FINAL VOTE. If elected, each applicant is immediately entitled to full Artist status and brought into the remainder of the meeting. New members will be given a pedestal for exhibiting one piece in the Gallery Night event and a table for the Exhibit & Sale.
Q. If I become a NIADA Artist member, what is expected of me?
A. Artist dues of $50 per year must be paid by January 1 of each year to remain a member in good standing with voting rights and benefits. New Artist Members are also required to pay a one-time fee of $100 for a table at the annual Exhibit & Sale. This helps pay for the table skirts, pedestals etc., used at the event.
Artists are urged to attend at least one Conference every three years.
Applicants should try to assess whether or not they would fit well in NIADA, and if so, what contributions they could bring to the organization. Duties include attending business meetings at Conferences, performing Critiques, volunteering to work on committees and serve as officers and board members, participating in online discussions and generally helping to keep the organization running throughout the year. All NIADA members should also promote dolls as art, as well as the organization and its good will and missions. Click here for more details about NIADA Artist Membership. Artists’ responsibilities are outlined in the Artists’ Handbook.